Probably a lot of people can't understand why Twilight has became this huge phenomenon in the US.
For me, I remember it was in August, right around Stephenie Meyer's fourth installment - Breaking Dawn- was released, every time I went to bookstore and I saw the huge poster about her books, I was like "Oh it's another Harry Potter!" and didn't even bother to look at them. Don't even tell me how popular they are for teenage girls.
And then, I think one day I was buying something from and I needed $5 more to get free shipping, so I picked Twilight and thinking "I'll read it when I was really bored" and after that you know I was like other girls, I was hooked, hopelessly..........
The books took you beck to the first time you fell in love with someone, and Edward and Bella reminded you that you would do anything to be with the one person you love.....I know they are only fictions, not real; but to have dreams in life is what gets you going everyday, isn't it? Absolutely in love with the book, Edward, and Bella; not so much for Jake though, hahaha....
However, the movie was horrible, not the actors, but the storyline and the way Catherine directed. It was out of my imagination....Horrible, Terrible.....But Rob is the perfect person for Edward Cullen.
Anyway, I just love the books and could read them over and over again !!